Thursday, 16 December 2010

well, the adventure begins! .... and almost ends!

So here we are in Hong Kong, my first time flying business class (photos to follow! - sorry, I'm sad and excited!),

and I have to say I could get used to it! ... food and service second to none, the seat comfortable and a rather nice flat bed with duvet is going to be a welcome comfort to me in the coming hours, meanwhile I busy myself with the built in massage function - lovely!... so that's the good bit....

BUT....I'd like to say it was stress free all the way, well to be fair it WAS, right up until Nigel popped his head over the partition screen and said, 'I feel a bit odd, my mouth's gone numb' .... we'd just finished a beautiful 4 course meal, topped off with coffee and a rather delicious truffle chocolate topped with a whole almond .... I looked over the screen and appeared to have swapped my travelling companion ... it was a case of the Husband formerly known as Nigel, he now resembled cross between Bubba Gump (of Forrest Gump fame) and Lesley Ash! ... hmm, swollen lips about 5 minutes after eating nuts?! AAARRRRGGGGHHH! (he usually looks more handsome than this!)

... check map .... where are we..... hmmm, just over Moscow!. I decide to keep calm and make sure he's breathing, I have an idea I wouldn't like hospitals there!! ... (I'm breathing for both of us, doing my best not to hyperventilate!). 5 mins later, hmm, more swollen - now looks like something from a Robson Green fishing programme I once saw! .... right, decision time .... I opt for the quiet word with the stewardess and manage to convince her I'll keep an eye on him in exchange for some nice anti-histamines they have in their medical kit. I decline the offer to ask the Captain for a Doctor. So every 15 mins I appear to interrogate the poor man, shining the reading light into his face!, less a case of 'we have ways of making you Check Spellingtalk', more a case of 'I'm just checking you're alive dear!'. .... every 15 mins for a couple of hours and then checking every 30 mins for the remaining 6 hours of the flight! ... I'm knackered!, he's asleep ... pouting beautifully. Definitely asleep, yup, not dead, just asleep.

So finally we arrive in Hong Kong, thankfully both of us still alive!, though poor Nige has jowels like dipity dog! (sorry about that spelling!).

Here's me checking my emails in Hong Kong after a well earned shower!

The plan now? ..... no more nuts for Nige! and as soon as we land in Auckland we're off to investigate the healthcare system! - thank God for holiday insurance!

You never know, I might get offered a job!


  1. Good start to the trip! Will you be encouraging him to Bungy Jump at all? Sounds too dangerous as those lips could give him a bit of a battering.. Post pics soon! PS its snowing here again Winter returns this weekend. Brrr! Keith & Ceels

  2. OMG!!!! you must be knackered!!!! Glad that Nige is ok!!! will look forward to reading your blog....... do I just come back to this page to follow the blog??? we r back down to -5C!!! The Goodall Clan xxx

  3. Nice to hear that you didn't have to make an unexpected stop in RUSSIA!!! Poor Nige... I sure hope he's feeling better, for the love of all that's holy.... tell the man to stay away from nuts!! I'll keep his allergy in mind for future visits!!~~
